Week 5, September 27

Type and the Web

Session Recording #


Briefly, Feedback #

You should have all received some initial feedback via GitHub Issues.

This is a common tool to comment on and track code tasks—another one of the reasons organizations use GitHub. Check off those task lists! We want to see that you’ve tackled them. Some common threads:

About Next Week #

Your first projects are due! Let’s talk about the format for your presentations, adjusting for some hiccups:

Project 1 Notes on Format

From Last Week #

A couple things we skipped past last week:

An Intro to CSS

Some Proper Layout #

You’ll need more than font and color to make your designs work. Today’s main topic will give us some tools:

The Box Model

Demo Time! #

We’ll spend the remainder of our time working through some of these things together:

  1. First, let’s try the Zoom stuff out ahead of next week—to get a feel for if it is workable. Our pals in IT have a write-up for this!

    • Head to newschool.zoom.us
    • You can SIGN IN there, or click HOST to get right into one (if you’ve already done SSO)
    • Make sure your mic and camera are on and share your screen!
    • After your nerves have settled and such, start the recording (sometimes under ⊙ More )
    • It doesn’t matter to us if you use cloud or on this computer recording! Whatever gets you to that Yourname.mp4 at the end
  2. Okay, back to code. We “worked ahead” a bit with the example repo we shared in Slack last weekend—adding margin and padding in addition to color and type styles. Let’s go through this together.


    This is branch of the repo that has the layout properties removed.

  3. Some more ergonomics adjustments:

  4. Right, right, actual code:

    • <meta charset="utf-8"> if you have any weird characters showing up
    • max-width for body text
    • margin between elements
    • padding for the elements with a background, lists
    • border to accentuate quotes, separate areas
    • sticky article headers 😲
    • fixed Top link
    • absolute on header pseudos
  5. If we have some time, GitHub niceties:

For Next Week #

Good night, and good luck.