Week 18, February 5

Interface as Interface

Session Recording #


Let’s Meet JavaScript #

We’ll spend the first half of class today getting acquainted with JS:

An Intro to JavaScript

And an addendum to our previous discussion on DevTools, The Console:

DevTools (Web Inspector)

The Are.na API #

For our “back nine” today, we’re going to be doing a demo/workshop to get us plugged into Are.na. We’ve put together a demo repository with our example code, for today:


Here is our agenda to go through it:

  1. Briefly talk JSON (for JavaScript Object Notation)

    • The demo uses our example channel we showed last week
    • You can see it in JSON form here, from the Are.na API
    • Browsers don’t display JSON nicely by default, but there are extensions ( Chrome / Safari / Firefox ) to make it easier to read
    • Changes made in Are.na will show up in the JSON in a few minutes
  2. Simple, static index.html

    • There’s almost nothing there! All of our content will come from the JSON, turned into HTML
    • These are just the containers where we will insert our content
    • You’ll have your statically-coded text and example blocks
    • IRL” you would want much more content in the file itself, for search indexing and faster performance
  3. On to arena.js

  4. Let’s “roll our own”

    • console.log() the whole JSON response, “walk” the object
    • Rough out a new block/content type (like images) from the data
    • Inspect a rendered page, connecting the dots
    • If we have time, add another insertion point for a “filtered” list

For Next Week #